Quick visualizations in command line using {txtplot}
July 19, 2021
I often use data ETL pipeline scripts cron-jobed on text-only interfaces (be it Jenkins, or cron-jobed in shell). While I print descriptive stats to keep tabs on ETL runs, I’ve found {txtplot} adds a higher level of fidelity in my logfiles. Bjoern Bornkamp’s package offers a simple and effective way to enhance my logfiles.
Will I use them to visualize my data? No. Are they useful tokeep an eye on your pipelines and quickly diagnose issues? Yes, I’ve been able to diagnose more than a few data quality spills very quickly because I had these rudimentary plots in my logfiles.
60 + x +
| x |
| x |
40 + x +
| x |
20 + x x +
| x x |
| x x x x x |
0 +--x--------------x--------------x--------------x--------------x--+
1 2 3 4 5
Legend: 1=male, 2=female, 3=none, 4=hermaphroditic, 5=NA's